HTMLのテーブルからコピペして、Markdown 書式に変換する方法

tmp = '''Variable    Description
Id    A unique identifier associated with an application.
Product_Info_1-7  A set of normalized variables relating to the product applied for
Ins_Age   Normalized age of applicant
Ht    Normalized height of applicant
Wt    Normalized weight of applicant
BMI   Normalized BMI of applicant
Employment_Info_1-6   A set of normalized variables relating to the employment history of the applicant.
InsuredInfo_1-6   A set of normalized variables providing information about the applicant.
Insurance_History_1-9     A set of normalized variables relating to the insurance history of the applicant.
Family_Hist_1-5   A set of normalized variables relating to the family history of the applicant.
Medical_History_1-41  A set of normalized variables relating to the medical history of the applicant.
Medical_Keyword_1-48  A set of dummy variables relating to the presence of/absence of a medical keyword being associated with the application.
Response  This is the target variable, an ordinal variable relating to the final decision associated with an application'''

for l in tmp.split('\n'):
    name, discription = [c.strip() for c in l.split('\t')]
    print('|{}|'.format(name + '|' + discription))